Zhuhai Jingzhan Machinery Co.,Ltd
Sino-Russian energy cooperation or a foregone conclusion
Date: 2018-12-07 17:10:33

According to reports, at 4 pm on March 22, Beijing time, President Xi Jinping arrived at Vnukovo Airport 2 in Moscow and began a state visit to Russia. During the one-and-a-half-day visit to Russia, Xi Jinping will hold talks with President Putin on a large and small scale, and will meet with Russian leaders such as Prime Minister Medvedev. At the same time, the heads of state of China and Russia will sign and issue a joint statement to determine the direction and key areas of cooperation for Sino-Russian relations in the coming period. The deepening of Sino-Russian nuclear energy cooperation is a foregone conclusion.

On the first day of President Xi Jinping's visit to Russia, China and Russia signed several cooperation agreements and decided to start large-scale economic cooperation.

Xi Jinping: I want to emphasize that China-Russia energy cooperation is comprehensive and comprehensive. China-Russia economic cooperation is also comprehensive and comprehensive. Both sides consider and take care of each other's concerns and interests, aiming to achieve mutual benefit and win-win. The large-scale economic cooperation between China and Russia is the need for both sides to jointly cope with the impact of the international financial crisis and promote economic development, and the timing and conditions have matured. The two sides will fully tap the complementary advantages and development potential of the two economies and jointly improve the economic strength and international competitiveness of our two countries.

Putin: We also decided to continue to work closely in the high-tech field, including aerospace information technology, aviation manufacturing and nuclear energy.

For the cooperation agreements signed between China and Russia today (23rd) in Moscow, the employees of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China, have paid more attention than the general public. In particular, Putin mentioned "nuclear energy cooperation" in his speech this morning. This "nuclear" word is the future of the Tianwan nuclear power plant, opening a bright window.

Nuclear energy cooperation is not only a major component of the energy cooperation between the two countries, but also a major manifestation of the profound growth of the strategic partnership between China and Russia. In fact, Sino-Russian nuclear energy cooperation has a long history. In the heart of the older generation of Chinese nuclear energy industry practitioners, the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant is a landmark project in the history of Sino-Russian nuclear energy cooperation. Zhao Chengkun, vice chairman of the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association, told reporters that the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant under the China National Nuclear Corporation is a landmark achievement of Sino-Russian nuclear energy cooperation and a historical business card for nuclear energy cooperation between the two countries.

Zhao Chengkun: In the 1990s, the nuclear energy cooperation project between the two countries was the cooperation project of Jiangsu Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in 1999. It should be the largest civil cooperation project. Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, two million units adopted the most advanced nuclear power technology at that time. It was built around seven years, and the technology of the nuclear power plant is advanced. The completion of this power plant is the result of Sino-Russian cooperation, not only has good economic benefits, but also good social and environmental benefits.

The successful completion of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant has improved the capacity and management level of our country's nuclear power construction, and has trained a large number of talents. Russia has not only achieved economic benefits from cooperation, but the completion of Tianwan has also confirmed Russia's new design technology. It has increased information on the safety of Russian nuclear power safety in the international arena. In 1985, Chernobyl happened. Nuclear power once had little impact on the international community and was greatly affected by the construction of Tianwan.

In the early 1990s, the cooperation and construction of the Tianwan nuclear power plant became the need for normalization of cooperation between the Chinese and Russian governments. Since then, many agreements on nuclear energy cooperation signed between China and Russia have been closely linked with the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant.

According to the agreement between China and Russia and the general contract, Russia is responsible for the total technical responsibility of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant and the nuclear island, conventional island design and supply of complete sets of equipment and nuclear power plant commissioning. The Chinese side is responsible for engineering construction management, civil construction, and some equipment in the wall. Design of third country procurement, power station auxiliary engineering and peripheral supporting projects, equipment procurement and most installation of nuclear power plants. The power transmission and transformation line project and peaking facilities associated with the nuclear power plant are under the responsibility of the Jiangsu Power System.

In November 2012, after the completion of the No.1 and No.2 units of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, China and Russia signed the “General Contract for Units 3 and 4 of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant”, marking the second phase of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant project. It can be said that the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province is by far the largest high-tech economic cooperation project between China and Russia. According to statistics, there are more than 150 enterprises and organizations in Russia alone, and participated in the Tianwan nuclear power plant project. As stated by the Russian Nuclear Energy Engineering Export Corporation, the nuclear power plant nuclear reactor has a double containment. It should be said that the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant has the most modern safety system. In addition, China has become the first country to apply Russia's latest technology to safeguard nuclear safety.

Looking back at history, China-Russia nuclear energy cooperation has achieved many results, including nuclear power plant support, nuclear fuel supply, technology exchange, and staff training. Today, both countries are vigorously growing nuclear power, which provides a favorable precondition for deepening and expanding nuclear energy cooperation between the two countries. The nuclear energy cooperation between the two countries has a broad prospect. Zhao Chengkun, deputy chairman of the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association, believes that the deepening of nuclear energy cooperation between China and Russia in the future will not only be reflected in the construction of nuclear power plants, but also in the new nuclear energy technology.

Zhao Chengkun: The second aspect of Sino-Russian cooperation is fast reactor. The development of nuclear power in our country is divided into three steps. From the current keen paper pile to the fast reactor, and finally to the fusion reactor, if the fast reactor technology can be developed, it will be able to It plays a greater role in the protection of nuclear power resources. The cooperation between China and Russia in the fast reactor will accelerate the progress of our country's fast reactor, because Russia has a leading position in the fast reactor technology in the world. In the third Sino-Russian cooperation area, we have introduced two 500-ton fuel enrichment plants from Russia, which has accelerated our capacity building in this area and contributed to the supply of nuclear fuel to nuclear power plants. .

Zhao Chengkun, vice chairman of the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association, reminded Chinese companies to take the initiative to fully and fully utilize the background of Sino-Russian nuclear energy cooperation and bravely go out and change the "single line" of Russia's energy cooperation, mainly from Russia to China. status. Chinese companies can and should enter the Russian nuclear energy market.

Guest perspective

After China and Russia are signing this agreement, is there still a lot of room for future nuclear energy development?

Wang Chaoyang: After the nuclear incident in Fukushima came out, the fastest growth of nuclear energy technology in the past two years was Russia. Because of the early events in Russia, his nuclear facilities were safer than the rest of the world. Now when the unattended equipment is running automatically, Achieve a very safe degree. It is now under construction in Russia's nuclear facilities, mainly nuclear power facilities construction, construction commitments completed in five or six years, and several other powers can not do.

The raw materials necessary for the burning of uranium mines and nuclear power in Russia are very rich in resources. It can provide one-stop service from raw materials to integrated services and security. In this regard, if China and Russia deepen further cooperation in this aspect, we have huge room for talents, technology, and mutual acquisition in some overseas markets. Now is our opportunity to learn.

What opportunities can Chinese companies get from them?

Zhao Chengkun: This will definitely bring great benefits to Chinese manufacturing companies. Like some construction companies, because there are large electric fields in them, especially the construction and installation companies also increase the space for excellence, which is very beneficial in terms of economics or enterprise development. There may be more opportunities for the depth of the scope.

So far, I believe that China-Russia nuclear energy cooperation is in a one-way state. We import more power plants, equipment and technology from Russia. This is an objective reality in a historical period. China has developed very much in the past 20 years, especially in the past ten years. Fast, the design capability, construction and installation capability of nuclear power plants and nuclear power equipment manufacturing capabilities are greatly enhanced. Therefore, I personally feel that the future cooperation between China and Russia in the nuclear energy field should gradually change the situation of one-way import of technical equipment from Russia. Get up and take advantage of China's advantages in this area, especially in equipment manufacturing, as well as the advantages of nuclear power plant construction and installation, and jointly explore the international market.

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